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COAS Commissions Projects at Headquarters Central Command and 4 Garrison Officers Mess

The Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), Major General Bismarck Kwasi Onwona has on Friday 18 October 2024 commissioned an accommodation block at Idris Barracks and reopened the 4 Garrison Officers Mess Matambo at Danyame in Kumasi.The construction of the accommodation block comprising four units of two bedrooms came about when fire razed down an entire wooden structure that was accommodating soldiers, while the Matambo was closed down to make way for renovation works due to deterioration of some parts of the structure. The General Officer Commanding (GOC) Central Command, Brigadier General Michael Kwadwo Opoku in his remarks during the commissioning thanked the COAS and all stakeholders who contributed towards the completion of the accommodation and pledged that he would continue to work hard to ensure that personnel under his Command are housed in a more condusive environment. The Chief of the Army Staff, Maj Gen Bismarck Kwasi Onwona who was the Guest of Honour for the commissioning, mentioned that his topmost concern when he assumed Command as COAS was to ensure that accommodation for soldiers remains top on his agenda and therefore expressed delight for the completion of the facility.Major General Onwona said the completion of the accommodation was a testament to his unwavering commitment to providing personnel with the best possible resources and congenial environment to enable them fulfil the many demands associated with the performance of their duties.COAS indicated that efforts were being made to ensure that accommodation challenges are lessened through the introduction of Quick Impact Projects (QIP) that he would soon initiate to ensure more accommodation units are brought forward for young soldiers within the various Garrisions in the Ghana Armed Forces. He charged the new occupants of the building to avoid acts or tendencies that could result in any unfortunate event similar to what led to the destruction. He also seized the opportunity to remind personnel about their constitutional mandate which is to protect the territorial integrity of Ghana.On the 2024 General Elections, the COAS warned personnel to avoid any act of unprofessional conduct before, during and after the elections. He emphasized the need for personnel to avoid partisan politics and remain focused on their professional duties.As part of his visit to 4 Garrison the Chief of the Army Staff also toured the Headquarters Central Command Camp and 4 Garrison Education Centre at old Uaddara Barracks to inspect ongoing projects under construction.