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4 Battalion of Infantry

Brief History of The Fourth Battalion of Infantry

The 4 Infantry Battalion (Mighty Fourth) like most Infantry Battalions in the Ghana Army today traces its origin to the Gold Coast Constabulary, which was constituted in 1901 from the Gold Coast Regiment (GCR), the Gold Coast component of the West African Frontier Force (WAFF).

As a separate entity, 4 GCR was raised in August to September 1940 during the rapid expansion period which followed the ascension to power of the Vichy French. It was hurriedly trained and dispatched for duty in Brikama, Gambia on 26 Sep 40 to protect that country from what seemed a threat from Senegal which was then under the Vichy Government of France. 4 GCR returned to the Gold Coast in 1943 and took on the responsibility of guarding base installations o Headquarters Gold Coast Area which was part of West Africa Command. It also held itself in state of readiness for an immediate duties overseas.

In the latter part of 1943, the Battalion moved to Middle East for garrison duties. It returned to the Gold Coast in early 1946 and was disbanded on 10 June of the same year. th The 4th Battalion was reformed on 1 Sep 60 at Takoradi under the command of Maj FD Ingle MBE. It thus became the first infantry unit to be formed soon after Ghana's attainment of republican status.

During the formative years of the Unit, some significant occurrences were recorded. On 15 Sep 60, WOII Kwasi Boakye arrived at the Unit as the Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM). On 20 Sep 60, the first Board of Inquiry (BOI) was convened to investigate circum stances that led to the Absence Without Leave (AWOL) of GL 18153605 Pte Yaw Basare on 29 Aug 60. On 23 Sep 60, the various companies were designated with the following colours:

Arrangment Office Colour Code
a A Coy Red
b B Coy Blue
c C Coy Green
d HQ Coy Yellow

On 26 Sep 60, the Brigade Commander, Brig HW LE Patourel arrived in Takoradi on a working visit and inspected the Barracks. On 7 Oct 60, 6 three-tonne vehicles arrived in Takoradi as the Unit's first line transport. On 21 Oct 60, Lt Col PG Thompson arrived in Takoradi to assume command of the Unit and Takoradi Garrison.

The formation of the Battalion closely followed the twilight period in the crisis in the newly independ ent Congo, which offered it a grand opportunity to prove its worth. The Battalion moved to the Congo under the command of Lt Col PG Thompson on 24 Jan 61 and returned on 24 September the same year. It shared honours with other units of the Ghana Army which saw action in the Congo.

Whilst the Battalion was serving in the Congo, plans were made to house the troops in the new barracks at Michel Camp (Tema), into which they moved in September 1961 upon their return from Congo. Lt Col CC Bruce assumed command as the first Ghanaian Commanding Officer. The Battalion moved to the Congo for the second time on 19 Feb 63 under the command of Lt Col p Laryea and returned on 22 Sep 63. On 25 Oct 65, the Unit took part in the parade in honour of the 36 African Heads of State of the 3rd OAU Summit Conference (held in Accra) at the Black Star Square. On 30 Apr 66, a contingent from the Unit (Michel Camp) took part in a Guard of Honour for the formal opening of the Ghana - Togo border.

On 18 May 68, new colours for the Unit were consecrated and presented to the Unit by Lt Gen JA Ankrah, then Commander-In-Chief at a colourful parade held at the Unit Square. On 8 Nov 64, the Unit moved from Michel Camp (Tema) to Kamina Barracks (Tamale). The Unit finally moved from Kamina on 2 May 69 to its present location (Uaddara Barracks-Kumasi) Due to organisational restructuring in the Ghana Army, the 4th Battalion became a Training School between 1986 and 1991 and took on the designation 4 Training Battalion and Armed Forces Training School in succession.

It had the task of training cruits into the Ghana Armed Forces and conducting Other Ranks career courses. The Unit moved to its present location on 31 Jul 97 under the command of Maj SB Alloh, Officer Commanding Rear at the time. The relocation took place whilst the bulk of the Unit personnel were serving in Southern Lebanon.