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UNIFIL GHANBATT 91 Takes up Operational Responsibility of Southern Lebanon

Smooth transfer of authority signifies unity and success. It is in this regard that a transfer of authority parade was held between the commanding officers of UNIFIL GHANBATT 90 and 91, LT Col FK Agyemang and LT Col IK Boako respectively on Thursday 12 September 2024 at the Seth Obeng Camp, Al Qawzah, Lebanon. The event signified the official handing over of operational responsibility of Southern Lebanon from UNIFIL GHANBATT 90 to UNIFIL GHANBATT 91.

The Commanding Officer UNIFIL GHANBATT 90, Lt Col Frank Kwesi Agyemang in his remarks expressed confidence in the ability of the new CO, Lt Col Isaac Kobe Boako and his men to continue to uphold the core values of the Ghanaian Battalion and excel in their mission. He thanked God for how far he had brought the Battalion and further thanked the mission leadership and the Military hierarchy for the opportunity given him to serve.

Giving the final remarks, the Sector West Commander, Brig Gen Steffano Messina, commended the outgoing Commanding Officer and his troops for their commitment, dedication and determination in the discharge of their duties. He then congratulated the incoming Commanding Officer and his troops urging them to raise the flag of Ghana high.

Brig Gen Messina added that, GHANBATT holds a crucial position, overseeing the longest stretch of the blue line in Sector West, emphasizing the importance of the battalion’s mission.

He concluded that the Ghanaian contingent does not only contribute the largest number of female peacekeepers but also committed to gender equality and inclusive participation in peacekeeping operations as affirmed by the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325.

In attendance were Ghana’s Defence Attaché, Lebanon, resident in Cairo, Air Cdre Reginald Yaw Cole, the 5th Lebanese Armed Forces Brigade Commander, Brig Gen Michel Bardawil,

Mayors and the Force Sergeant Major, MWO Dormah Richard.